

(圖片來源:Ivan Ku)


由於臀部肌肉是由三組肌肉(股大肌Gluteus Maximus,股中肌Gluteus Medius,股小肌Gluteus Minimus)組成,所以需要不同的動作作為針對訓練。

(圖片來源:Ivan Ku)

(圖片來源:Ivan Ku)

1. Squat - Must do wink emoticon
2.Hip Abduction
3.Glute Bridges
5.Straight Leg Deadlift
6.Donkey Kick
7.Step Up Jumps
8.Side Hip Abduction
9. Box Jumps


#AIPFITNESS #三項鐵人教你變fit啲  

〖A lot of friends are interested in getting in better shape for their lower body. This routine contains 9 different types of exercise that would stimulate all three different Gluteus muscles(Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius,Gluteus Minimus). All these muscles need to be challenged so they would grow into better shape.
-Do these exercise separately at first to practise the right form, then you can do at least four of these continuously or simply follow the video.

1. Squat - Must do wink emoticon
2.Hip Abduction
3.Glute Bridges
5.Straight Leg Deadlift
6.Donkey Kick
7.Step Up Jumps
8.Side Hip Abduction
9. Box Jumps

For those who are new to lower body training, you might notice a slight firmness in the butt and legs after a few days of these exercise if you give it enough challenge. If you would like to continue to build a round, lifted butt then it would require a more specific workout plan which I am always welcome to share.

(影片來源:Ivan Ku)